Absorbing and Manifesting - Notes from the Dasvandh Office
God Answers Questions
In this issue, we wanted to cover a serious and often asked about subject pertaining to prosperity - How do we absorb Prosperity Consciousness, how do we manifest it? And the most amazing things happened! First, two people, literally from opposite sides of the country (Oregon, Massachusetts) submitted truly excellent articles, each using the same meditation pose! Then, even more astounding, when we went to choose the Siri Singh Sahib’s lecture to use in this issue, we caught wind of the powerful August 1 lecture and guess what? It uses the same meditation pose. How amazing is that?! So, pay attention to this meditation, folks! It just goes to show - when you ask a question clearly, God does answer.

Tithing - A Part of the Path to Financial Freedom
I recently taped an Oprah show because my favorite financial expert, Suze Orman, was scheduled as a guest. It was a fantastic show and at the end, there was also a good “Spirit” segment. This particular segment was about a woman who shared how her family was able to get their finances together because she started tithing on a regular basis! She explained how she had seen a presentation by Suze Orman and how the part about tithing as one of the steps to financial freedom really stuck with her. Even though she didn’t think she had anything extra to give, she started with a small monthly donation of $25 to her local church. She was amazed that gifts and things started coming in. And within 18 months they had reduced their debt and their only monthly payment left was the mortgage. It was such an inspiring story.

Leap of Faith
We so often think - “There’s just barely enough to make ends meet, how can I give?” and yet, this is our subconscious mind talking and it is a good example of how we block true absorption of prosperity consciousness. When we determine that there is “barely enough,” how can there be room for expansion, how can we be open to more? Sometimes it is only a matter of faith. Try it - make that commitment of a monthly Dasvandh donation. Give yourself a trial run period of 6 months and see what happens! Or, if you already make monthly Dasvandh donations, consider increasing your donation by 10%. Allow for expansion - allow for more prosperity to come into your life. Open yourself up and watch how God provides.

Concentration of Mind
On a final note: The Siri Singh Sahib said: “Prosperity takes concentration of mind. If a mind isn’t in a position to concentrate, success and prosperity won’t come.” When I asked him the best way to absorb and manifest Prosperity Consciousness, he said to do Sodarshan Chakra Kriya because it expands all mental capacities. I love this kriya! It can be found in Harijot Kaur’s book: Physical Wisdom, p. 39. [You can buy the book from Golden Temple Enterprises.]
Sat Nam.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 2000
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