Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell
(adapted from a Japanese folk tale)

Contrary to popular belief the tables of Hell are laden with the most exquisite dishes of food. Whatever you could possibly desire: soups, salads, stews, sauces, curries if you want, fruits, pastries, ice cream. The single unusual factor being that one must eat with a fork three feet long. Holding it close to the tines you could manage to eat, but when you do so, a demon immediately slaps you (or pokes you with his fork), and says, "Hold it at the other end!" So getting the food on the fork up to your mouth is quite impossible, alas, though an abundance of delicious food is readily available.

In heaven the situation is exactly the same: same long tables covered with tasty dishes, same long forks. The only difference in heaven is that people feed the person sitting across the table from them.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: April, 1998
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