UN-NGO Update
UN-NGO Update
Hari Kaur Khalsa
This March 3HO sent a delegate to the preparatory meeting for the big follow-up meeting of the Division for the Advancement of Women. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur will be attending this “Women 2000” conference in early June. You will remember that she attended the Beijing women’s conference five years ago. The majority of the countries signed what is called the “Platform for Action.” This document stated that Women’s Rights are Human Rights. During the past few years countries have worked hard to change their laws to reflect the points in this “Platform” and some have had very active publicity campaigns to encourage the changes in attitude.

The United States has not legislated any changes but President Clinton established an “Women’s-Interagency Council,” and the U.S. has printed a report on our compliance with the principles in the document. We are hopeful that this agency will be made official so it may last beyond this president.

We are grateful to Bibiji for her continued efforts to advance the status of women.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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