Understanding the Sensory System
You live in a world that teaches you that you have to survive through manipulation, through going out and “getting” things-a spouse, a job, property, fame, wealth. As if any of those things can offer a permanent sense of security. As if the reason the Creator made the Creation was so that someone could have his or her face on the cover of Time Magazine.

The insecurity behind this grabbing, reaching and game-playing is immense. At the heart of it lies a deeply ingrained assumption that you’re not going to be taken care of, that you have to “go it alone.” This fear causes people to do things that hurt others or that damage their own psyches, and as humans, they try to shore up their positions, their status, their wealth. Everything changes anyway. Nothing stays permanent in time and space because the Creator is constantly at play, continuously rearranging Itself, building something up, tearing something down, like a series of amazingly wondrous experiments.

As a human, you are made with an incredibly subtle and sophisticated sensitivity that allows you to consciously participate in this play of the Creator. No matter what you do or how you act, you are part of the Creator’s play. You have the option to develop yourself to the point where you are playing your part consciously, joyously, willingly. Or you may play your part unconsciously, unknowingly, missing the opportunity to see that One Hand behind it all at work. The difference between a sensory human and anyone else is in the meditative awareness to see God as the Doer of everything, and the willing humility to bow to your role in the play.

From the first bang, through the life-cycles of the stars that created the elements of the Universe, to the primordial ocean of the Earth and the extraordinary evolution that has taken place over billions of years, God has guided creation to a place where humans exist. The secret is simply this: God is not finished yet. There is no end to creation in sight. That Energy is STILL creating, and, as Guru Nanak says, the way the Creator creates is through the creation, itself. Through the ocean, God created amoebas. Through amoebas, God created microorganisms. Through microorganisms, God created algae. And the list goes on and on.
Now, today, here, at the start of 2002, God is still creating-through you, through me, through everyone and everything around you. And what comes out of that creative process, we cannot know or control. But we can develop this beautiful human sensitivity that has been given to us, this incredible combination of nerves, glands, and breath, to become aware of the play. Through your meditative mind, as you become aware that God is the Doer and is creating around you and through you, then there is no longer a need to survive by grasping and manipulating. Then you begin to tune into what your role is and, in surrendering to that role, what you need comes to you and you just play your part. There’s no need to go anywhere. Simply be within your own conscious awareness so the God that lives in your own heart can create through you. The fun of it - the surprise of it - is that you won’t even know what’s being created until it comes to fruit. And then, WOW-that’s the miracle of the creation, that’s what makes it a
ll worthwhile.

The sensory human is one who doesn’t compete with God, who doesn’t try to come up with his or her own version of what creation is “supposed” to look like. The sensory human develops his or her own human-based sensitivity to move in step with the dance already set in motion by God. The Siri Guru Granth Sahibdescribes the sensory human perfectly:

“Attuned to the frequency of the One, the chains of anxiety fall away… suffering vanishes and, day and night, the God-Within remains awake…

Attuned to the frequency of the One, success becomes the fruit… The heart ever lives in light and poise.

Attuned to the frequency of the One, doubt and fear
disappear…waves of sorrow cannot drown you.

All fears disintegrate through your True Name.
Keep company with those on the path to God and sing the wonder of it all.”
From Prosperity Paths Issue: Dec, 2001
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