Alumni Association Features Kirtan Kaur
Alumni Association Features Kirtan Kaur
Guru Jaswant Kaur
Espanola, NM, U.S.A.

At GRD Academy in Dehra Dun Kirtan Kaur was always at the top of the class. But just before every test or assignment she would groan and wrinkle her forehead, whining: "Omigod you guys, I'm gonna do so bad. I haven't studied at all. I'm going to fail." And on and on.

I argued with her: "You'll definitely get an A," I'd tell her, "You always do really well. You come first in class, besides. I'm not going to listen to you any more."

She would resume whining for a bit, then the next day we would get the results of the test. Boy, weren't we shocked when she showed up with a 95!

That young whiner has just graduated from UNM Law School, and has become a very successful young woman. She is a law school champion, although she'll never admit it. She wrote articles for the prestigious New Mexico Law Review, read by law students and lawyers alike, she participated in the Health Law Moot Court competition in August 96 in Carbondale, Illinois, which UNM won, and to top it off she supported herself financially for 5 years of college.

Just before law school, she earned her Bachelors of Business Administration degree in International Management and Marketing from the highly regarded Anderson School of Management in 1995, graduating in the top 5% of her class, Magna cum laude.

Her next challenge is the bar exam on July 22, mandatory to become licensed as an attorney. During the day she works at the Civil Defense law firm Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris, & Sisk (an earful, isn't it? I refer to it as just Whirling and Hutch). She works in the litigation department, where she writes briefs or prepares motions as well as does legal research. But after the bar she still won't recruit her own clients for another year, so don't go crying to her yet!

Usually after work she's off to class until 9 PM. Study! Study! Study! She hardly has time to spend with her dog Khela, who whiles away boredom by eating her socks!

Kirtan has always been an achiever. Grade school through high school she participated in track, hockey, basketball, volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, and many other sports, besides excelling academically. She participated in Gurbani competitions and plays, debates and poetry competitions, and she always won prizes. She's also fun to be around, a lovable joker.

She graduated at the top of her class in GRD Academy in India, and the SDEI Alumni Association is very proud of her and all that she's done since she graduated in 1991! Wahe Guru!

P.S. Watch out for her brothers Hari and Prabhu who are close at her heels!
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 1998
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