European Khalsa Council
European Khalsa Council
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The European Khalsa Council Meetings were held February 8 - 11th in the conference room of the Golden Temple Restaurant. Like the International Khalsa Council, the focus was on Leadership.

SS Guru Hans Kaur Khalsa from Paris, France, was elected the new Chairperson. The European Khalsa Council bylaws, which for the last year have been in committee being updated, revised, and refined, were brought to the floor and passed.

The agenda for the full body included meditation, visualization, and open discussion; all focused on unleashing the leadership within. Approximately half of the time involved meetings in smaller groups. On the first day it was for the purpose of supporting and defining leadership qualities. The second day all members met within key areas. Those Three Key Areas and their goals for the next year are:

Bhai Sahiba’s Office - responsible for the development and education of Sikh Dharma rehit and ceremonies.
1. Develop full program for Yoga Festival Gurdwara
2. Develop the Kirtan Camp the week before the Yoga Festival
3. Support Sikh Dharma Days in each country
4. Make more Sikh Dharma materials available

Community & Fund Development Office - responsible for communication, education and coordination within the region.
** Create regional and national computerized database
** Create quarterly newsletter in order to facilitate communication and networking
** Participate in Community Development training weekends

Each nation committed to complete one Community Development goal for 1996:
1. France: regular national meeting
2. Germany: create social support systems and communication network
3. Italy: legalize 3HO structure, create Sikh Dharma weekends, create unified national goal
4. Netherlands: create strategic planning process to include expanded community, quarterly newsletter
5. Norway: create monthly community activities
6. Spain: legalize 3HO structure, improve communication system among all teachers
7. Sweden: streamline information exchange with International and regional centers
8. UK: establish communications network

Teachings Office - is responsible to create, coordinate, and develop the Teachings and Teaching systems within Europe. Their goals for the next year are:
1. Support and establish International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association: to assist Kundalini Yoga Teachers
2. Create the identity of a College of Kundalini Yoga Teachers, to define ethics, coordinate efforts and materials
3. Recognize and certify teachers in Europe.
a. Gurudakshina a requirement
b. Royalties
c. Define and set appropriate fees

Reports were given on the:

New Regional Office - focus is to provide support, techniques and tools for all of the European Sikh Dharma / 3HO communities; plus kindle the leadership qualities of many individuals.
The Goals for the Regional Office are:
1. Support all the offices and volunteers throughout the region so that they can be successful in their goals
2. Get Dasvandh functioning
3. Work closely with International Development office

Land Project - the Board of the Land Project is preparing documentation for building and camping at the new site in France. This spring some more construction will take place. There will be 3HO related courses throughout the summer. The Yoga Festival will still be in Loches again this year.

Yoga Festival - had a ten percent increase in participants over the previous year. The general feedback was very positive with certain areas of the festival showing marked improvement: stock control, meals, and security. Everyone is invited to attend. It will be great. The theme is going to be the Crown Chakra.

The various Countries Reports:

France - The main focus in France is the development of the land project. Presently Kundalini Yoga is being taught by teachers who have finished their training in Paris, Grenoble, Marseille, Lyon, Anger, Montpellier, and Bordeaux. In Paris a new center has been opened by Michel Riu where people can take yoga classes, do sadhana, and a variety of other activities.

Spain - Madrid and Barcelona are growing in terms of teaching Kundalini Yoga. They hosted the third annual Kundalini Yoga Association intensive and it was huge success. The Association is now going to be legalized for the entire country.

Sweden - This year the second group of forty teachers will finish their training. There are now two centers in Stockholm, a Swedish Teachers Organization, and a very active Kundalini Yoga community.

European Khalsa Council ...
The various Countries Reports: (continued from page 8)

Germany - The Dharmic event that is the most enjoyed by all continues to be the Sikh Dharma Days. This year it was held in Offenberg; there were 60 participants. The theme was Guru Hargobind, and the schedule included Sadhanas, Gurdwaras, Sahej Path, and workshops designed to lead people into a deeper understanding and experience of Guru Hargobind.

3HO activities are experiencing a strong surge of growth. Major areas of focus are the support and growth of the Centers, teachers and teacher training in not only Hamburg, but also Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Offenberg. There are currently approximately 200 certified Kundalini Yoga teachers in Germany. This number continues to grow.

Netherlands - KIT regional offices have relocated to Amsterdam, and with that created a lot of activity. Face lifts and construction are going on for the ashram, Yoga Center, offices, and restaurant. This amount of activity is a by product of the expansion, planning, and development process.

Norway - There are four main teachers who are providing teacher training and Kundalini Yoga; all classes are growing steadily.

After years of political strife, the Gurdwara has reorganized and Sardar Singh Khalsa was requested to function as vice-secretary. The sangat is happy to have a Gurdwara they can now attend, play kirtan, and develop trust with the 200 other Gursikh families.

Italy - During the last two years the Italian sangat started to really work together since the new Administrative Council system for all of Italy was implemented. There are meetings every two months in Rome where the majority of the sangat lives; the meeting includes representatives from Bologna and Naples. Through these meeting we collaborate, organize, and promote the activities of all of the numerous Yoga Centers, the annual Tantric courses, and International events. Two hundred people attended both the Tantric course and the Siri Singh Sahib’s course through our collaborative actions. There is presently a plan to create an Association for 3HO Italy and a deep desire for growth.

United Kingdom - The sangat is so vast that the aims are too numerous to list here. With the visits from the Siri Singh Sahib, all of the teaching and the teacher training, the sangat is growing and prospering.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: March, 1996
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