Narayan Singh Khalsa
Phoenix AZ, U.S.A.

Dear Dasvandh,

Sat Nam. I have never truly paid my Dasvandh. For the last five years or so I’ve given 20 to 30 percent of my income away, but only a few hundred to $2,000.00 maximum to Dasvandh in my lifetime.

I didn’t feel comfortable giving money to somewhere where I had no control what it was used for. The last six issues of Prosperity Paths have finally pushed through to my consciousness what the Siri Singh Sahib has always taught me, and what my higher consciousness has always known, that I must give to the unknown to learn to trust the universe, and in turn learn to trust my own infinity of prosperity.

Therefore, on this day, the Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s birthday, and for this year, an 11 year in my numerology, I am committing to pay my Dasvandh of $400.00 a month for one year: September 1994 to September 1995. This is my true Dasvandh, gross income after overhead, before taxes, local dues or any other expenses.

On the Siri Singh Sahib’s birthday in 1995 I will write you again with the results of truly giving and of making my Dasvandh the first priority, instead of the bill I pay sporadically.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru ji Ki Fateh

Narayan Singh Khalsa Sr.
Phoenix, Arizona

It is the year end - give to Dasvandh!
It is tax deductible.
Nobody likes the tax collector.

Everybody likes to get.
But God is God and God loves to give:
"The Giver gives and gives, and only those who take,
get weary of receiving."
Japji Sahib

From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 1994
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