Khalsa Council Fall Meetings, 2004
The International Khalsa Council held its 60th session, September 30th - October 2nd, continuing its two-year agenda focus on "Educational Institutions & Youth." The members went through an "Appreciative Inquiry Process" of discovering the best of what already is, visioning the ideal future, and beginning steps toward manifesting. This process began with a meditation on the Suniai Shabd from Japji used for deep listening, to go within, and tune into the future of the Dharma.

It was amazing to see how the collective vision of the Khalsa Council was so synchronized. A few working groups were created including: Focusing on the relationship between the youth and elders; Growth of the Dharma in relation to business; Future of our ashrams and communities; and the Roles of global leadership.
Relevent to the focus for this Khalsa Council session, ideas arose that pertained to the youth and the future generations of Khalsa. The need to connect the elder, wise generations of the Khalsa with the young, energetic youths of today was acknowledged. The idea was generated to create a database providing mentoring, resource assistance for careers, and life skills.

The cross-generational paradigm could be implemented in the world of business as well. The members created a proposition to create a Khalsa International Business Association, which would exist to support Khalsa and other conscious businesses with education and effective business practices based on the teachings of the Siri Singh Sahib. This could provide benefits in the areas of finance and financial support, management, mentoring, networking, internships, education, lobbying, and charitable funding. For example, the idea of selling kitcheree (mung beans and rice) at the airport instead of a fast food restaurant would be a great way to consciously share the teachings and uplift all to treat their bodies like temples.

Speaking of temples, the idea of creating villages around the globe would further support and provide a strong sense of community. As the visions of these villages developed, members saw Ashrams with businesses and residential areas, Gurdwaras, deluxe spas, and yoga rehab/retreats. These communities would lend support to humanity in facing the Aquarian age with grace. There were also ideas about creating education centers for Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma teachings as well as curriculai for elementary and high schools.
On the last day there was an opportunity for the members to share their thoughts on the current projects of the Secretariat/Non-profit Organizations. The Council split up into groups for Broadcast channels, the UN, Ambassador Program, and a Sensory Global Network which focused on community relations. The broadcast channels group focused on showing our vast interconnectivity and global community through the internet. If we linked all of our websites, calendars, and resources, we could make everyone aware and serve humanity with our collective talents and virtues. It is wonderful and exciting to think of where we could go!

Together in collective consciousness the Khalsa Council visioned into the future and produced some extraordinary ideas. To be an Observer at the April 2005 Khalsa Council session, contact Gurudarshan at [email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2005
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